Projects per year
Personal profile
My primary research area is Lutheran theology in the 16th, 20th and 21st centuries. Studies on Luther's theology of gift has opened my interests towards the relationship between theology and social and cultural development, and towards the relationship to other confessions. In recent years, I have focused on the relationship between doctrine and consolation in the reformers Luther and Melanchthon and on the inherent social imaginaries in theology and their impact on practice.
Member of the Theological Working Group for The Council on International Relations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark.
Member of the Joint Working Group between the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church.
Member of the Baptism Commission for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark.
Member of the Theological Working Group behind the Presidency of the Lutheran World Federation.
Cooperation and dissemination
Head of the interdisciplinary centre: LUMEN - Center for the Study of Lutheran Theology and Confessional Societies.
Vice-president for Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg e.V.
Member for the board: TARF (Theologischer Arbeitskreis für reformationsgeschichtliche Forschung).
Chair of the local committee for 15. International Congres for Luther Research
Teaches dogmatics at both bachelor and master level.
- Reformation
- Martin Luther
- Philipp Melanchthon
- Church history
- The Reformation
- Dogma and creed
- Communicatio idiomatum
- Function of Doctrine
- Finnish Lutherresearch
- Lutheran Theology
- Christology and soteriology
- Justification and reciprocity
- Theology and gift economy
- Doctrine of Trinity
- History of the reception of the Bible
- Paul and Luther
- 20th century
- Luther Renaissance
- Radical Orthodoxy
- Ethics
- Religion and politics
- God
- Evil
- Theology and social anthropology
- Forgiveness
- Brotherly love
- Eros and agape
- Faith and works
- Pastoral care
- Pastoral care and Lutheran Theology
- Ecumenical work
- Liturgy
Areas of expertise
- Dogmatics
- Lutheran theology
- The Reformation
- Economy of the Gift
- Martin Luther
- 1 Similar Profiles
LUMEN: LUMEN - Center for the Study of Lutheran Theology and Confessional Societies
Andersen, P. (Participant), Holm, B. K. (Project manager), Koefoed, N. J. (Project coordinator), Harste, G. (Project coordinator), Østergaard, U. (Participant), Arnórsdóttir, A. S. (Participant), Svendsen, G. T. (Participant), Pedersen, E. M. W. (Participant), Andersen, S. (Participant), Ingesman, P. (Participant), Bach-Nielsen, C. (Participant), Jensen, M. F. (Participant), Kristiansen, M. S. (Participant), Atzbach, R. (Participant), Ladegaard, J. (Participant), Skinnebach, L. K. (Participant), Østergaard, U. (Participant), Mathiasen Stopa, S. E. (Participant), Jakobsen, R. S. (Participant), Sommer Bostrup, M. (Participant), Hilson, M. (Participant), Tarp, L. (Participant), Rasmussen, L. L. (Participant), Zeller, K. (Participant), Rønkilde, J. B. (Participant), Ørnbjerg, J. (Participant), Jørgensen, E. K. (Participant), Christensen, A. W. V. (Participant), Rasmussen, L. L. (Participant), Pedersen, M. N. (Participant) & Appel, C. (Participant)
Universitetsledelsens Strategiske Midler
01/09/2015 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
Lutheranism and societal development in Denmark
Koefoed, N. J. (Participant), Holm, B. K. (Participant), Harste, G. (Participant), Mathiasen Stopa, S. E. (Participant) & Pedersen, M. N. (Participant)
01/11/2016 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
An Economy of Reception? The relation between sacrament and sociality in Lutheran Protestant societies
Jørgensen, E. K. (Participant), Rønkilde, J. B. (Participant) & Holm, B. K. (Project manager)
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2021
Project: Research
Den nordiska hushållstaten: variationer på ett tema av Luther
Koefoed, N. J. (CoPI), Holm, B. K. (Participant), Harste, G. (Participant), Claesson , U. (PI) & Jansson, K. (Participant)
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
The consolation of theology in Luther's and Melanchthon's later work: Consequences for Doctrine and Society
Holm, B. K. (PI)
01/01/2024 → 30/06/2025
Project: Research
Research output
Gabe und Geben bei Luther: Das Verhältnis zwischen Reziprozität und reformatorischer Rechtfertigungslehre
Holm, B. K., 2006, Berlin: De Gruyter. 290 p.Translated title of the contribution :Gaven og given hos Luther: Forholdet mellem reciprocitet og reformatorisk retfærdiggørelseslære Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Book › Research
Lutheran Theology and the Shaping of Society: The Danish Monarchy as Example
Holm, B. K. (Editor) & Koefoed, N. J. (Editor), Jun 2018, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 365 p. (Academic Studies , Vol. 33). (Refo500 (R5AS) Academic Studies, Vol. 33).Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Open Access -
Word - Gift - Being: Justification - Economy - Ontology
Holm, B. K. (Editor) & Widmann, P. (Editor), 2009, Mohr Siebeck. 215 p. (Religion in Philosophy and Theology; No. 37).Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Theologische Anthropologie
Holm, B. K., Aug 2017, Philipp Melanchthon: Der Reformator zwischen Glauben und Wissen. Ein Handbuch. Frank, G. & Lange, A. (eds.). Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, p. 395-408 14 p.Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Der Trost kommt vom Sehen - zu Katechismussystematik und Lehrbegriff
Holm, B. K., 2009, Denkraum Katechismus: Festgabe für Oswald Bayer zum 70. Geburtstag. von Lüpke, J. & Thaidigsmann, E. (eds.). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, p. 109-124 16 p.Translated title of the contribution :Trøsten kommer af det der ses - om katekismussystematik og lærebegreb Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research
Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg e.V.
Holm, B. K. (Member)
3 Oct 2007 → …Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Member of board or management of company or organisation
Nordic Luther Network
Holm, B. K. (Member)
1 Jan 2005 → …Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Member of research network
The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and the Evangelical Lutheran Chuch of Denmark
Holm, B. K. (Lecturer)
12 Dec 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Píotr Malysz
Holm, B. K. (Host)
1 Sept 2024 → 30 Nov 2024Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Konference om Stat og Folkekirke efter Bededagsprocessen 2023
Holm, B. K. (Participant)
25 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organisation af a conference
Geheimeraad Brandts Reformationspris
Holm, B. K. (Recipient), 7 Apr 2017
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Aarhus University's Gold Medal
Holm, B. K. (Recipient), Sept 1995
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Geheimeraad Brants Reformationspris
Koefoed, N. J. (Recipient) & Holm, B. K. (Recipient), 7 Apr 2017
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Supertanker DR P1 om Luther og filosofien
Holm, B. K. & Rasmussen, A. M.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Søndagsprofilen: Danmark har en konge af Guds nåde. Men ikke som Trump mener det
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Hirsi Alis er ikke alene. Kristendommen vinder frem i samfundsdebatten
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Teologer: Kravene til præsters opførsel står midt i et spændingsfelt
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Teologiprofessor: Regeringen renser loven for den historiske forbindelse mellem kristendommen og staten
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media