10 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Sofie Meyer Andersen with the persons below:
Elisabeth Bendstrup
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Respiratory Diseases and Allergy - Clinical Professor, Researcher
Person: VIP
Niels Henrik Ingvar Hjøllund
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Patientrapporterede Oplysninger, RHG - Clinical Professor
Person: VIP
Thomas Bøjer Rasmussen
Person: DVIP-external
Asger Roer Pedersen
- Department of Public Health - Department of Biostatistics - Chief/Special Consultant
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Medical Diagnostic Center, University Clinic for Innovative Patient Pathways - External VIP
Person: DVIP-external, TAP
Else Marie Skjøde Damsgaard
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Ældresygdomme - Professor Emerita
Person: DVIP-emeritus
Pia Kjær Kristensen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Orthopaedic surgery - Associate Professor
- Studienævnene på HE - Board of Studies, Health Science - Assistant Lecturer
Person: DVIP-teacher, VIP