10 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Søren Peter Jørgensen with the persons below:
Mette Mejlby Hansen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Senior Clinical Instructor in Bioanalysis, External TAP
Person: DTAP-eksternal
Simon Mark Dahl Baunwall
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Medical Doctor
Person: DVIP-external
Tine Nygaard Gregersen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Nuclear Medicine and PET - Staff Specialist
Person: DVIP-external
Jørgen Agnholt
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Christian Lodberg Hvas
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Clinical Professor
Person: VIP
Jens Frederik Dahlerup
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita, External VIP
Person: DVIP-external, DVIP-emeritus
Peter Ott
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Professor Emeritus
Person: DVIP-emeritus
Mia Bendix Rasch
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Hepatology and Gastroenterology - Researcher
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Medicinsk afdeling, Randers - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP