Aarhus University
Organisational unit: Institution
Department of Clinical Medicine - Regional Hospital of Randers
Department of Clinical Medicine
Organisational unit: Department/section
Department of Clinical Medicine - Præhospitalet
Department of Clinical Medicine
Organisational unit: Department/section
Department of Clinical Medicine - The Emergency Department, Randers
Department of Clinical Medicine - Regional Hospital of Randers
Organisational unit: Department/section
Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Respiratory Diseases and Allergy
Department of Clinical Medicine
Organisational unit: Department/section
Zealand University Hospital
External organisation: Medical
Lillebælt Hospital
External organisation: Medical
Odense University Hospital
External organisation: Medical
Hospital of Northern Zealand
External organisation: Medical
Aalborg University (AAU)
External organisation: Academic
Sydvest Sygehus
External organisation: Medical
Dansk Selskab for Akutmedicin
External organisation: Research network