Personal profile


My reseach investigates how mechanical forces and biochemical signals regulate cardiovascular health and disease. My research career to date has taken me across the breadth of the cardiovascular system, from the smallest capillaries to the aorta and through to the heart. 

Currently, I'm a Postdoctoral Researcher in Dr. Stephan Lange's group at Aarhus University. Here I am investigating how the CARP1 protein drives the progression of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). DCM is a disease that affects the muscles of the heart and can currently only be cured by transplanation. My research aims to validate the theraputic potential of CARP1 in DCM and other cardiac diseases.


I obtained my PhD in the lab of Dr. Stephen Robinson (Quadram Insitute, Norwich, UK). During my PhD, I studied how endothelial integrins, along with the VEGF-coreceptor, Neuropilin-1, regulated developmental and pathological (cancer-assoiciated) angiogenesis. Subsiquently, I undertook a 3-year BBSRC funded postdoc in the lab of Dr. Derek Warren (University of East Anglia, UK). Here I investigated the molecular mechanisms through which vascular smooth muscle cells respond to changes in extracellular matrix stiffness. 


I am a supervisor on the following courses: 

> Hypertension: From molecule to patient management

In addition, I have been the supervisor of numerous BSc and MSc final year research projects, and a co-supervisor of PhD students. 

Prior to moving to Aarhus University, I taught in the UK on course covering topics including: Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Biomedicine / Molecular Medicine, and Project Design.

Areas of expertise

  • Cardiovascular Health & Disease
  • Cell, Molecular and Mechanobiology
  • Cardiomyopathy & Cardiomyocytes
  • Vascular Smooth Muscle Biology
  • Endothelial Biology & Angiogenesis


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