11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Pia Kjær Kristensen with the persons below:
Theis Muncholm Thillemann
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Orthopaedic surgery - External VIP
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Regionshospitalet Horsens - Member of Administrative Staff
Person: DVIP-external, TAP
Thomas Johannesson Hjelholt
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Ældresygdomme - Medical Doctor, PhD
Person: DVIP-external
Christine Krogsgaard Schrøder
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Orthopaedic surgery - PhD Student
Person: PHD
Marianne Johansson Jørgensen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Forskningsenheden, Horsens - Research Manager
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Regionshospitalet Horsens - Research Manager
Person: DVIP-external
Christina Frølich Frandsen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Ortopædkirurgi, RHG - PhD Student
Person: DVIP-external
Maiken Stilling
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Orthopaedic surgery - Clinical Professor
Person: VIP
Alma Becic Pedersen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Clinical Epidemiology - Professor, consultant
Person: VIP
Morten Madsen
Person: DVIP-external