Projects per year
Personal profile
I work with activist and applied anthropology, digital media, gender and urban development in different constellations in research projects in Uganda, South Africa, Denmark and the Faroe Islands.
I lead the research project Gendered Island Futures - Generational Perspectives on Motherhood and Change in the Faroe Islands. I am par of a team of four researchers examining different gendered and generational perspectives on social change with vantage point in experiences and imaginaries of motherhood in the small island community. The research is funded by a DFF Sapere Aude Grant and runs untill 2026 - read more here
The project is part of a long-term research interest is gender and in particular reproductive health and motherhood in post-colonial contexts. Here I have worked with how marginalized women in Cape Town navigate digital and urban spaces in the quest for respectable motherhood with fieldwork in 2016-2018.
I am interested in popular music and more broadly the anthropology of sound, and currently work with this in two different projects: In collaboration with ROSA (the Danish genre organization for rock music) I explore the relationship between well-being and access to live music for vulnerable youths and eders. Follow the project hereøgsvenner/dk
In Uganda I have work with youth, music, everyday urban life and the politics of fame - now an engagement with voices and communities spanning 20 years. As a researcher in the collaborative project Imagining Gender Futures in Uganda (IMAGENU) I examine wedding video and music production as prism for changing gender relations in Gulu in Northern Uganda. See more at:
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Open Access -
Trivselsfremmende og Adgangsskabende Potentialer af Hybride Koncertformater: En Komparativ Analyse af Musikalske Besøgsvenner og SOLO
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Open Access -
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Open Access
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1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media