Projects per year
Personal profile
I work within the interdisciplinary fields of linguistic ethnography and philosophical anthropology, and my overall research question is: How do places come into being through everyday life practices, and how do language as local practice play a part in this world formation? The project aims at developing a combined understanding of language-place connections. A methodological interest follows from this: How can we study language-place connections?
The topics of my research are language, writing, space and place (making), and movement. Throughout my project, I consider some of the aesthetic, material, spatial, social, and existential dimensions of everyday language.
- Pegagogical anthropology
- Ethnography
- Anthropology
- Language philosophy
- Ethnography
- Qualitative methods
- Aesthetics and everyday life
- 1 Similar Profiles
- 2 Finished
Kvartersprojektet - en undersøgelse af børneliv i et københavnsk boligkvarter
Clemensen, N. (Participant), Kryger, N. (Participant), Holm, L. (Participant), Laursen, H. P. (Participant), Dannesboe, K. I. (Participant), Jørgensen, N. J. (Participant), Mogensen, N. D. (Participant), Kjær, B. (Participant) & Winther, I. W. (Participant)
01/10/2015 → 01/12/2017
Project: Research
"Indviklet - i by, viden og verden: en linealogi om og med sprogsteder"
Mogensen, N. D. (Participant)
01/03/2015 → 30/11/2021
Project: Research
Research output
(I og om) Fletværk - nogle foreløbige viklinger (uddrag)
Mogensen, N. D. & Rasmussen, J. D., 2024, Laboratorium for Flet: en pamflet. Stenholm, E. L., Dragsted, D., Fjalland, E. L. P., Stilling, O. & Ipland, S. H. (eds.). København : Føljeton & Sophienholm Kunsthal , p. 43 1 p.Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Børns sprogsteder
Mogensen, N. D., 2024, In: Dansk Pædagogisk Tidsskrift. 2024, 1Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Sprogsteder og linjevæsner
Mogensen, N. D., 2024, In: Tidsskriftet Antropologi. 89Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Ind-viklet – i by, viden og verden: En linealogi om og med sprogsteder
Mogensen, N. D., Oct 2023, Århus Universitet.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Ph.D. thesis
Clinging to the city and the world: the tag as a living line
Mogensen, N. D., 30 Jun 2021, (Submitted) In: Linguistic Landscape.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review