6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Marie Juul Ornstrup with the persons below:
Torben Harsløf
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Jens Otto Lunde Jørgensen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine - Clinical Professor and Chair
Person: VIP
Bente Lomholt Langdahl
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine - Clinical Professor
Person: VIP
Steen Bønløkke Pedersen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - SDCA-Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Morten Møller Poulsen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine - External VIP, Researcher
Person: DVIP-external
Annette Schlemmer
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Medicinsk afdeling, Randers - Postgraduate Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP