Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 79 results
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Alternativ behandling eller dyr placebo?
Boelsbjerg, H. B. (Panel member), Vase, L. (Panel member) & Rudkøbing, A. (Panel member)
15 Nov 2019Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo (foredrag for kommende praktiserende læger, Tilst)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
6 Jun 2016Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Betydningen af læge-patientforholdet: Hvad kan vi lære af placebo forskningen? Temadag for kommende praktiserende læger. Regionshospitalet Viborg
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
13 May 2016Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effects in Clinical Trials of Neuropathic Pain
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
21 Apr 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tankens Kraft. Placebo effekter (Folkeuniversitetet, Nykøbing Mors)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
26 Mar 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter (Efteruddannelsesmøde for praktiserende læger i Egå og Hjortshøj)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
16 Mar 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Bag om smerten. Hvad er placebo, og kan placebo påvirke smerteoplevelsen? (Folkeuniversitetet i Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
15 Mar 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tankens Kraft. Placebo effekter (Folkeuniversitetet i Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
17 Feb 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Forventninger, placebo, nocebo (Master i Smerte: smertepsykologi, Aalborg Universitet)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
5 Feb 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Nyere placeboforskning om den symptomdæmpende betydning af tryghed, ritualer og relation (Hovedbestyrelsesmøde, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, København)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
3 Feb 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter (Årsmøde for Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Oral Fysiologi. Hotel Nyborg Strand)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
30 Jan 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tankens kraft. Placebo effekter (Folkeuniversitetet i Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
25 Nov 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Emotional Expectations: Privotal in Placebo, Nocebo and Psychotherapy?
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
25 Jun 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Eksperimenter og placebo-effekter. Debatften (Folkeuniversitetet i Emdrup)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
5 May 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Hvad er smerte? Hvilke psykologiske faktorer kan mindske og øge oplevelsen af smerte? (Marfan-foreningen, Ringsted)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
27 Apr 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tankens kraft. Placebo-effekter (Folkeuniversitetet i Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
24 Mar 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo Effects in nociceptive, idiopathic and neuropathic pain (Ruhr Universität, Bochum, Tyskland)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
14 Feb 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo- og Nocebo-effekter: (Fysioterapeutisk årsmøde)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
29 Nov 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Vidensbrunch på Cafe Hack.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
26 Nov 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo Effects (PhD kursus, Health, Aarhus Universitet)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
19 Nov 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo-effekter: (Heimdal/Kræftens Bekæmpelse)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
4 Nov 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Adverse Events to Pain and Placebo Treatments in Patients with Varying Degree of Cognitive Impairment
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
11 Oct 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tankens kraft. Placebo-effekter: (Folkeuniversitetet Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
30 Sept 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo Analgesia
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
2 Jul 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Anti-nociceptive and anti-hyperalgesic placebo effects
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
24 May 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo-effekter (Ældresagen, Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
18 Mar 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effects in idiopathic and neuropathic pain conditions
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
24 Jan 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tankens kraft. Placebo-effekter (Folkeuniversitetet i Aarhus)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
22 Jan 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
7 Dec 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effects.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
28 Nov 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo og Nocebo: Hvorfor kommunikation er så vigtig i sygeplejen.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
20 Nov 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Pain and Dementia.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
9 Nov 2012 → 11 Nov 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo Analgesia
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
28 Oct 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo analgesia. Neurobiology of the pain system VIII. The importance of gender difference for pain and pain management.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
26 Oct 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo studies.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
24 Sept 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter og tankens kraft. Psykologiske eksperimenter: placebo effekter.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
29 May 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
17 Mar 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Kan dine tanker og følelser gøre dig syg eller rask
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
6 Mar 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo-effekter og tankens kraft. Psykologiske eksperimenter
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
5 Mar 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Kan tro og håb påvirke kropslige processer?
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
5 Mar 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo og nocebo.
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
26 Nov 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effect. Magnitude, mechanisms and clinical implications (Hanada University College, Tokyo)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
Nov 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Kan man tænke sig rask?
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
25 Oct 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Kan man tænke sig rask?
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
5 Oct 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Psykologiske faktorer, der kan mindske og øge oplevelsen af smerte (AGHOK, Aarhus Universitet)
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
7 Sept 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo-effekter og klinisk praksis
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
17 Jun 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo- og nocebo-effekter
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
19 Mar 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
6 Feb 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter og smerte
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
10 Dec 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Placebo effekter
Toft, L. V. (Lecturer)
16 Nov 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution