Personal profile
I am working on a Ph.D.-project within the field of phenomenological psychopathology. My project is specifically about schizophrenia, and seeks to use phenomenological philosophy to increase our ability to identify and understand the anomalous first-person experiences found within this disorder.
I am a 5+3 Ph.D.-stipend, and alumni from Aarhus University, where I have obtained a bachelor's and master's degree in philosophy.
My area of expertise lies within phenomenology, philosophy of medicine with a focus on psychiatry, philosophy of science, critical theory and philosophy of technology.
Cooperation and dissemination
Mads Gram Henriksen, associate professor at the University of Copenhagen and senior researcher at Centre of Psychiatry Amager, co-supervises the project. This secures the necessary psychiatric expertise and clinical experience that the project requires.
I have experience in teaching from roles as instructor, teaching assistant and scientific assistant. I have taught courses on philosophy of science at the bachelor's education in philosophy as well as medicine.
In addition, I have twice been solely responsible for a 10 ECTS internationalization elective at ICC, with a particular focus on critical theory and philosophy of technology, where I gave extensive supervision and sparring on exam papers.
Areas of expertise
- Phenomenology
- Psychopathology
- Philosophy of Medicine
- Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Mind