Projects per year
Personal profile
I am Professor of Museology at the Department of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University.
My research combines museology with art history and vice versa. I am interested in how institutional conditions and institutionalized cultures such as museums, galleries and art markets affect art, its use of technology and its history through museum processes, policy, dissemination practices and curatorial currents.
In summary, I can characterize my research based on the following clues:
- Avantgarde, modernism and the art institution after 1960
- Museological theory and methodology
- Museums and cultural organizations (museums, archives, art auctions and art galleries)
- Museum and cultural politicy
- Museum communication and learning theory
- Digital museology and the use and distribution of art by technology
Education/Academic qualification
Course certificate for Research Leadershi, Research management, AU HR - Udvikling & Arbejdsmiljø, Emdrup
1 May 2018 → 1 Nov 2018
Award Date: 1 Nov 2018
Bestyrelsesuddannelse, Aarhus BSS
Sept 2015 → Jul 2016
Award Date: 1 Jul 2016
- Museum communication
- Museology
- Sustainability
- Cultural policy
- Museum policy
- Digital museology
- Cybermuseology
- Avant-garde
- Fluxus, repetition, Per Kirkeby
- Contemporary art
- Postmodern Art
- Museums (history, layout, architecture, functions)
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
CultureSustain. A network researching Scandinavian museums’ impact on Cultural Sustainability
Larsen, A. H. (PI)
31/08/2022 → 29/11/2025
Project: Research
Kunstmuseets formidling i Norden 1850-2015. Idealer, modeller og praksisser. Forskning- og bogprojekt
Larsen, A. H. (Participant)
01/12/2019 → 01/12/2027
Project: Research
Per Kirkeby. Malerier 1990-2018: Volume III og IV
Larsen, A. H. (Participant)
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Forskerworkshop i samarbejde med Carl-Henning Pedersen og Else Alfelts Museum i Herning
Larsen, A. H. (PI)
01/02/2022 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Museologi mellem fagene
Jakobsen, L. S. (Editor), Larsen, A. H. (Editor) & Nørskov, V. (Editor), Jan 2021, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 432 p.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Cybermuseologi: kunst, formidling og museer i et digitalt perspektiv
Larsen, A. H. (Editor), Gade, R. (Editor) & Hansen, A. W. (Editor), 1 Feb 2015, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Ny dansk museologi
Larsen, A. H. (Editor) & Ingemann, B. (Editor), 2005, Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 314 p.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Anthology › Research
Museumsgrundbogen: Kunsten at læse et museum
Larsen, A. H. & Thorhauge, S., 2008, Clemenstrykkeriet Århus: Systime. 152 p.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Book › Education
Per Kirkeby: Paintings 1978-1989
Larsen, A. H., 1 Jun 2016, 1 ed. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln: Walther König Verlag. 500 p.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Book › Research › peer-review
Passepartout (Journal)
Larsen, A. H. (Editor)
1 May 2013 → 21 May 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editor of Research journal › Research
Rådgivning til Kulturel Forvaltning, Aarhus Kommune
Larsen, A. H. (Advisor)
2014Activity: Consultancy types › Consultancy
Museernes fremtid til debat Kulturkontoret 14. september 2012 kl. 10:03 på P1
Larsen, A. H. (Participant)
14 Sept 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Other
Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, Department of Evaluation
Larsen, A. H. (Member)
21 Oct 2010 → 23 Oct 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Member of committee, council or board
Intrface: Tendenser og udviklingspotentiale - fra 1. fase til det overordnede projekt. Følgeforskningens resultater
Larsen, A. H. (Lecturer)
28 Apr 2009Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Gæsterne vælter fortsat ind på museerne. TVA DR Morgen. Direkte
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Interview til artikel med titlen Med teatrets effekter forsøger museet at vække døde ting til live af Klara Torp Fruelund i Information
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Kunst, institutioner og formidling
Larsen, A. H. & Tommerup, C. 03/02/2022 → 20/05/2022
Course: Teaching