• Langelandsgade 139, 1580, 248

    8000 Aarhus C


2000 …2026

Research activity per year

Personal profile


I am Professor of  Museology at the Department of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University.

My research combines museology with art history and vice versa. I am interested in how institutional conditions and institutionalized cultures such as museums, galleries and art markets affect art, its use of technology and its history through museum processes, policy, dissemination practices and curatorial currents.

In summary, I can characterize my research based on the following clues:

- Avantgarde, modernism and the art institution after 1960

- Museological theory and methodology

- Museums and cultural organizations (museums, archives, art auctions and art galleries)

- Museum and cultural politicy

- Museum communication and learning theory

- Digital museology and the use and distribution of art by technology

Education/Academic qualification

Course certificate for Research Leadershi, Research management, AU HR - Udvikling & Arbejdsmiljø, Emdrup

1 May 20181 Nov 2018

Award Date: 1 Nov 2018

Bestyrelsesuddannelse, Aarhus BSS

Sept 2015Jul 2016

Award Date: 1 Jul 2016


  • Museum communication
  • Museology
  • Sustainability
  • Cultural policy
  • Museum policy
  • Digital museology
  • Cybermuseology
  • Avant-garde
  • Fluxus, repetition, Per Kirkeby
  • Contemporary art
  • Postmodern Art
  • Museums (history, layout, architecture, functions)

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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