Activities per year
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Skriftlighed i Andetsprogsundervisningen på VUC
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
4 Aug 2022Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
To- og Flersprogede på VUC - forudsætninger og udfordringer
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
5 Aug 2021Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Global citizenship education for (unknown) futures of education
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
23 Apr 2021Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Nordic Summer University, 26-28. March 2021
Petersen, K. B. (Invited speaker)
26 Mar 2021Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Om to- og flersprogede i undervisningen: udfordringer og muligheder
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
21 Jan 2021Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Global Citizenship Education as a Moral and Ethical claim for Nation States? Reflexions with Respect to Denmark
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
20 Mar 2019Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Learning to know, to do, to be and to live together – Reflexions on Global Citizenship Education from past to future
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
3 Sept 2018Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Tracing happiness and hygge in Denmark - Social aspects
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
25 May 2018Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Global dannelse og europæisk medborgerskab som pædagogisk ideal?
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
9 Mar 2018Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Globalt medborgerskab og uddannelse
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
24 Mar 2017Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Uganda - besøg.
Petersen, K. B. (Other)
26 Jan 2017 → 7 Feb 2017Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Udsatte unge - alternative tilgange
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
5 Jan 2017Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Keynote: Global Education - challenges and possibilities
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
21 Nov 2016Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Keynote:Emancipating and Transforming Teacher Education for a better Education System
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
20 Apr 2016Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Welcome to ISfTE 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark: Presentation of next year's conference in Denmark
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
20 Apr 2016Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Informal and Intercultural learning: Research outcomes - The Anholt Project
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
23 Oct 2015Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Informal Learning in E-learning: Poster Presentation
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
30 Oct 2014 → 31 Oct 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Form and Methods of Competency Development for Teaching and Organizations: Literacy Teaching
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
15 Aug 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Teacher Competence - Teaching Literacy: Challenges and Demands
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
15 Aug 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Uformel og Interkulturel læring blandt unge europæere: Forskningsresultater fra projektet "Anholt 2013"
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
1 Mar 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Diversitet, Monokulturalisme eller Multikulturalisme?
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
18 Apr 2013Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Om en neoliberal diskurs i uddannelsespolitikken
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
22 Oct 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Udviklingstendenser i undervisningsfaget dansk som andetsprog
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
14 Apr 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
IT development & elearning platforms for Second Language Learning: Tallin, Estland
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
16 Mar 2011 → 19 Mar 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Udviklingstendenser i undervisningsfaget DSA: En præsentation på Københavns Universitet
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
29 Oct 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
web 2.0 and Second Language Learning: Kaunas, Litauen
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
20 Oct 2010 → 23 Oct 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Andetsprogspædagogik i praksis: For VUC og HF
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
16 Sept 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Cultural Understanding or National Monocultural Discourse? – Studies of Curriculum Development in Teaching Danish as a Second Language for Adult Foreigners.: Brasilien, april 2010
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
10 Apr 2010 → 21 Apr 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
IT in Second Language Learning, Denmark: Riga,Letland
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
10 Feb 2010 → 14 Feb 2010Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Teacher Education
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
5 Jun 2009Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Læring og Undervisning på Kommunomuddannelsen
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
6 May 2009Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Læring og Undervisning
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
4 May 2009Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
IT i DAV uddannelsen: Refleksioner
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
9 Nov 2007Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Andetsprogsinteraktion i virtuelle klasserum - et studie: Undersøgelser og diskussion af sprogtilegnelsesprocesser - dansk som andetsprog - i online baserede virtuelle klasserum. En konferencepræsentation.
Petersen, K. B. (Invited speaker)
11 May 2007 → 12 May 2007Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Forsknings- og undersøgelsesmetoder: Metodeseminar
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
2 May 2007Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Betragtninger over e-læring, sprogtilegnelse, dansk som andetsprog og materialeudvikling. Anmeldelse af
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
13 Jan 2006Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk som andetsprog på VUC
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
9 Aug 2005Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk som andetsprog og VUC
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
10 Jan 2005Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Danish as a second language - country report
Petersen, K. B. (Lecturer)
3 Dec 2004Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution