12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen with the persons below:
Cecilie Schmidt Østergaard
- Department of Public Health - PhD Student
- National Centre for Register-based Research - PhD Student
Person: PHD
Gija Rackauskaite
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Paediatrics - Clinical Associate Professor, Visiting Instructor
- Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center - Researcher
Person: DVIP-external, VIP
Pia Kjær Kristensen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Orthopaedic surgery - Associate Professor
- Studienævnene på HE - Board of Studies, Health Science - Assistant Lecturer
Person: DVIP-teacher, VIP
JH Andersen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Arbejdsmedicin, RHG - Professor, VIP, hospital
Person: DVIP-external, VIP
Lone Ramer Mikkelsen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - University Clinic for Interdisciplinary Orthopaedic Pathways (UCOP) - Physiotherapist
Person: DVIP-external
Tina Ravnholt Dalager
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Nanna Rolving
- Department of Public Health - Department of Health Services Research - Associate Professor
Person: VIP