Projects per year
Personal profile
Træffetid: Efter aftale.
Lektor emerita, ph.d., cand. psych. aut.
- Gerontopsychology (psychology of the elderly)
- Mental disorders of old age
- Life-span development
- Theory of Science in psychology
- Clinical psychology - adults
- The cultural history of sexual deviance
- Forensic psychology, childoffenders
- Social psychology
- The psychology of deviance
- Development psychology
- Life-span development
- an ecological perspective on developement
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Enlige, gamle mænd: livskvalitet, maskulinitet og sundhed
Munk, K. P. (Project manager), Hansen, K. F. (Participant), Smærup, M. (Participant) & Maibom, K. (Participant)
01/01/2015 → …
Project: Research
INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE FOR AGEING AND THE LIFE COURSE. Outlines for a humanistic and social scientific basis and sketches for research projects
Munk, K. P. (Participant), Thorgård, K. (Participant), Raffnsøe-Møller, M. (Participant), Christiansen, K. (Participant) & Nielsen, M. K. (Participant)
01/12/2013 → …
Project: Research
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PÆMO: Forskningsprogrammet "Paradox"
Munk, K. P. (Participant), Leander, E.-M. B. (Participant) & Larsen, P. L. (Participant)
01/12/2010 → …
Project: Research
E-konsultation og aldring. Oplevelse, mediering og etik.
Munk, K. P. (Participant), Grønning, A. (Award holder), Frederiksen, H. B. (Participant), Laursen, D. (Participant), Hvidt, E. A. (Participant), Klausen, M. (Participant) & Laigaard, K. (Participant)
23/03/2018 → 23/03/2018
Project: Research
Oversættelse til engelsk af bogen 'Coping. Manual til kvalitative mikroanalyse'
Munk, K. P. (Participant)
01/02/2016 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
Fear of child sex abuse: Consequences for childcare personnel in Denmark
Munk, K. P., Larsen, P. L., Leander, E.-M. B. & Sørensen, K., 2013, In: Nordic Psychology. 65, 1, p. 19-32 14 p.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
17 Citations (Scopus) -
Frausing, K. P., Smaerup, M., Maibom, K. & Munk, K. P., 2023, The Old Man. Aarhus: Aarhus UniversitetsforlagResearch output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Communication
Health and health-care utilisation in old age: The case of older men living alone
Frausing, K. P., Smærup, M., Larsen, P. L., Maibom, K., Juel, K. & Munk, K., Jun 2022, In: Ageing & Society. 42, 6, p. 1252-1279 28 p.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
2 Citations (Scopus) -
"I appreciate it when they come here, but I also bloody do when they leave!" Meanings of loneliness among older men living alone.
Frausing, K. P., Smaerup, M., Maibom, K. & Munk, K. P., 2022, (Submitted) The Old Man. Aarhus: Aarhus UniversitetsforlagResearch output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
On his own terms: Everyday lives of older men living alone.
Frausing, K. P., Smaerup, M., Maibom, K. & Munk, K. P., 2022, (Submitted) The Old Man, anthology. Aarhus UniversitetsforlagResearch output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
University of Copenhagen
Munk, K. P. (Visiting researcher)
30 Oct 2020Activity: Visiting an external institution types › Visiting an external academic institution
Rising from very poor childhoods: Old men on a life-trajectory with the growing Danish welfare state
Munk, K. P. (Lecturer)
Jun 2020Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Sexualities (Journal)
Munk, K. P. (Editor)
2020Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Tidsskriftet Gerontologi (Journal)
Munk, K. P. (Editor)
8 Oct 2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Munk, K. P. (Lecturer)
17 Sept 2019Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Indstillet af Faculty of ARTS til Aarhus Universitets Jubilæumsfonds Forskningsformidlingspris sammen med ph.d.studerende Else-Marie Buch Leander
Munk, K. P. (Recipient), 1 Apr 2013
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Det lange liv og afslutningen af 3-stadietilværelsen - henimod en ny fortælling om livsløbet
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Vågn op: Vi bliver måske 100 år, så vi har brug for et nyt system!
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media