Peter Dalsgaard
- School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies - Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - SHAPE - Shaping Digital Citizenship - Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction - Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Participatory Information Technology - Professor
Person: VIP
Kim Halskov
- School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies - Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Participatory Information Technology - Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction - Professor
Person: VIP
Lone Koefoed Hansen
- School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies - Associate Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction - Associate Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Participatory Information Technology - Associate Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Science-Technology-Society Studies - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Frederik Vejlin
- School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology - Research Assistant
Person: VIP
Andruid Kerne
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Susan Lechelt
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Ingi Helgason
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Gunnar Harboe
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Jennifer Jacobs
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Daisy Yoo
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Elisabet M. Nilsson
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Jun Kato
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Kumiyo Nakakoji
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Celine Latulipe
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Saeema Ahmed Kristensen
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Eric Rawn
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Inge Panneels
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Bronnie McCarthy
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Boyeun Lee
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Nanna Inie
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Michael Smyth
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Zhicong Lu
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Mathias Funk
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