12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Jens Vellev with the persons below:
Peter Breining
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Medical Doctor
- Department of Biomedicine - Forskning og uddannelse, Victor Albeck-bygningen - Medical Doctor
Person: DVIP-external
Henrik Thyge Corfitsen
Person: DVIP-external
Ulla Kampmann Opstrup
- Department of Clinical Medicine - SDCA-Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Andreas Aalkjær Danielsen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Psychosis Research Unit - Part-time Lecturer
Person: DVIP-part-time lecturer
Dorte Rytter
- Department of Public Health - Department of Epidemiology - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Rossana Bossi
- Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements - Senior Researcher
- iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - Senior Researcher
- Arctic Research Centre - Arctic Research Centre, Roskilde - Senior Researcher
Person: VIP
Maria Rusan
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Associate Professor
Person: VIP