Projects per year
Personal profile
Mine interesseområder inkluderer:
o - statens idéhistorie
o - statslig og ikke-statslig voldsudøvelse/pirater, lejesoldater, partisaner, terrorister
o - krigens idéhistorie/krigens love, kriges legitimering, fjendskab
o - det politiskes begreb
o - liberalisme og liberalismekritik
o - oplysning og modoplysning
o - kapitalisme
o - undtagelsestilstand og oprørsteori
o - demokratiteori og særligt demokratikritik
o - racismens idéhistorie
o kønnets og seksualitetens idehistorie
Mit primære forskningsfelt er politisk idéhistorie med fokus på nyere tid. Jeg arbejder mindre indenfor filosofien end indenfor sociologien, juraen, historien og politologien. Jeg kan dog tilbyde vejledning indenfor det meste af den politiske filosofi og idéhistorie
- Critique of civilisation (starting with Rousseau)
- Democracy and power
- Concept of democracy
- Theories of democracy
- The idea of progress
- Ideology and attitudes
- Information and knowledge society
- Modernity, late modernity and post-modernity
- Intellectual history of the nation and welfare state
- Natural law and contract theory (social perceptions in the Age of Enlightenment)
- Political economics and economic criticism
- Religion and politics
- Philosophy of law
- Society and citizens
- State and sovereignty
Areas of expertise
- intellectual history
- political and economic thought
- democracy theory
- theories of time and history
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Afmagt i Danmark: En humanistisk undersøgelse af afmagtens former, manifestationer og potentialer i det 21. århundrede
Rytter, M. (PI), Gram-Skjoldager, K. (Project manager), Thorup, M. (Project manager), Christensen, H. R. (Project manager), Larsen, S. A. E. (Project manager), Andersen, R. S. (Participant), Dyring, R. (Participant), Dalsgård, L. (Participant), Nygaard, B. (Participant), Stage, C. (Participant), Kjerkegaard, S. (Participant), Fabian, L. (Participant), Brimnes, N. (Participant), Kofoed, J. (Participant), Khawaja, I. (Participant) & Frederiksen, M. D. (Participant)
09/09/2024 → 31/12/2029
Project: Research
Danmark Dannes
Stjernfelt, F. (PI), Jensen, H. S. (PI), Kjældgaard, L. H. (PI), Thorup, M. (PI), Lauritzen, A. M. (Project manager) & Nielsen, K. H. (Participant)
02/01/2023 → 01/09/2026
Project: Research
Contested Property Claims
Thorup, M. (Project manager), Cockburn, P. J. (Participant), Bruun, M. H. (Participant) & Risager, B. S. (Participant)
01/02/2014 → …
Project: Research
Contested Property Claims
Bruun, M. H. (Participant), Thorup, M. (PI), Cockburn, P. J. (Participant) & Risager, B. S. (Participant)
01/02/2014 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
HSH: Humanistic Studies in Human Rights
Simonsen, K.-M. (Project manager), Laustsen, C. B. (Participant), Madsen, C. (Participant), Nielsen, C. A. (Project coordinator), Rainsford, D. (Participant), Andersen, F. (Project coordinator), Schulz-Forberg, H. (Participant), Hansen, H. L. (Participant), Lund, J. (Participant), Risum, J. (Participant), Bøndergaard, J. H. (Participant), Kjærgård, J. R. (Project coordinator), Munk, K. G. (Participant), Cecchini, L. (Participant), Lauritsen, P. (Participant), Baggesgaard, M. A. (Project coordinator), Böss/Bøss, M. (Participant), Jespersen, M. B. (Participant), Thorup, M. (Participant), Christensen, N. (Participant), Iversen, S. (Participant), Schaumburg-Müller, S. (Participant), Jensen, R. U. H. (Participant), Højlund, S. (Participant), Poulsen, T. (Participant), Knudsen, T. B. (Participant), Andersen, T. R. (Participant), Carvalho, V. M. D. (Participant) & Ladegaard, J. (Project coordinator)
10/09/2011 → 01/03/2016
Project: Research
Research output
Feministiske klassikere - læst af mænd
Thorup, M. (Editor), 2025, Aarhus Universitetsforlag.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Hvorfor ikke være mandlig feminist? - om Chimananda Ngozi Adichie: Vi burde alle være feminister
Thorup, M., 2025, Feministiske klassikere - læst af mænd. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, p. 163-174Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Indledning: feminisme skrives også for - og af - mænd
Thorup, M., 2025, Feministiske klassikere - læst af mænd. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, p. 9-15Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Køb nydelsen - to for ens pris. anmeldelse af Noam Yuran, The sexual economy of capitalism
Thorup, M., 31 Jan 2025, In: Information.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Literature review › Communication
Er liberalismen en genanvendelig ressource? Anmeldelse af Samuel Moyn, Liberalism against itself
Thorup, M., 5 Apr 2024, In: Information.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Contribution to newspaper - Review
Manden af i dag
Thorup, M. (Lecturer)
5 Feb 2025Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Pornografiens idéhistorie
Thorup, M. (Lecturer)
5 Feb 2025Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
præsentation ved boglancering for Feministiske klassikere - læst af mænd
Thorup, M. (Lecturer)
3 Feb 2025Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
præsentation ved boglancering for Feministiske klassikere - læst af mænd
Thorup, M. (Lecturer)
2 Feb 2025Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
formand for bedømmelsesudvalget for Lars Erslev Andersens doktorafhandling
Thorup, M. (Chair)
23 Jan 2025Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Member of review committee