Camilla Hakala
  • Universitetsbyen 3, J115-120

    8000 Aarhus C



Research activity per year

Personal profile


I have a background in psychology where I have worked with behavioural studies and neuropsychological testing. Following this, much of my work have involved testing of vulnerable patient groups e.g., cancer- and ALS patients.

The projects I have been a part of have involved several areas such as, sleep, circadian rhythms, social cognition (e.g., emotion perception and emotion recognition), neurodegenerative diseases, among others. 

Job responsibilities

I work with fundamental research within the neuro- and cognitive psychology field. Specifically, the focus is on neurodegenerative diseases and the kognitive- and behavioral changes that follow. 

Areas of expertise

  • neuropsychology
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Behavioral studies