6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Jesper Bertram Bramsen with the persons below:
Niels Fristrup
- Department of Clinical Medicine - The Department of Oncology - Registrar, Clinical Associate Professor
Person: DVIP-external, VIP
Philippe Lamy
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Clinical Specialist
Person: DVIP-external
Jørgen Kjems
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - RNA Biology and Innovation - Professor
- Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-MBG, iNANO-huset - Professor
- DANDRITE - Professor
Person: VIP
Mads Heilskov Rasmussen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) - Associate Professor
Person: VIP