- 50 - 100 out of 199 results
Search results
Bjørk Hammer
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Professor
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Center for Interstellar Catalysis - Professor
Person: VIP
Emil Hansen
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - PhD Student, PhD Fellow, Research Fellow
Person: PHD
Jan Heinemeier
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Person: DVIP-emeritus
Brigitte Christina Henderson
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Member of Administrative Staff
Person: TAP
Jakob Hjørringgaard
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Stellar Astrophysics Centre - Student (PURE)
Person: FSTUD
Søren Vrønning Hoffmann
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Centre for Storage Ring Facilities (ISA) - Senior Researcher
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Senior Researcher
Person: VIP
Philip Hofmann
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Professor
- Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-Fysik, Ny Munkegade - Professor
Person: VIP
Alfred Thomas Hopkinson
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - PhD Student, Research Fellow
Person: PHD
Erik Horsdal
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Person: DVIP-emeritus
Sergio Ioppolo
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Center for Interstellar Catalysis - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Aksel Stenholm Jensen
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Person: DVIP-emeritus
Simon Peter Slot Jessen
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - PhD Student, Research Fellow
Person: PHD
Jacob G Johansen
- Department of Clinical Medicine - DCPT - Danish Center for Particle Therapy - Associate Professor
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Nykola Jones
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Centre for Storage Ring Facilities (ISA) - Beam line scientist
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Administrator/Journalist
Person: TAP
Brian Julsgaard
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor
- Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-Fysik, iNANO-huset - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Andreas Christ Sølvsten Jørgensen
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - External VIP
Person: DVIP-external
Christoffer Karoff
- Department of Geoscience - Associate Professor
- iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade - Associate Professor
- Arctic Research Centre - Arctic Research Centre, Høegh Guldbergs Gade - Associate Professor
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Luuk Kempen
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - PhD Student
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Center for Interstellar Catalysis - PhD Student
Person: PHD
Helge Knudsen
- Department of Physics and Astronomy - Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Person: DVIP-emeritus