- 1 - 50 out of 293 results
Search results
Jacob Andersen
- Alexandra Instituttet A/S - External VIP
- Department of Computer Science - Postdoc
Person: DVIP-external, VIP
Malene Bisgaard Blaabjerg Andersen
- Department of Computer Science - Research Group Coordinator
Person: TAP
Ama Bembua Bainson
- Department of Computer Science - PhD Student, PhD Fellow, Research Fellow
Person: PHD
Laurits Svend Bligaard
- Department of Computer Science - PhD Student, PhD Fellow, Student Teacher, Research Fellow
Person: DVIP-teacher, PHD
Niels Olof Bouvin
- Department of Computer Science - Associate Professor
- School of Communication and Culture - Participatory Information Technology - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Jakob Burkhardt
- Department of Computer Science - PhD Student, Student Teacher, Research Fellow
Person: DVIP-teacher, PHD
Ole Caprani
- Department of Computer Science - Associate Professor, External VIP
Person: DVIP-external, VIP
Michael Christensen
- Alexandra Instituttet A/S - External VIP
- Department of Computer Science - Member of Administrative Staff
Person: DTAP-eksternal, DVIP-external