Regional Hospital of Silkeborg

    Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activitiesMember of research network


    Research Project Area Religion, Cognition and Culture

    The Laboratory on Theories of Religion at the Department of the Study of Religion was awarded a four-year project on "Religion, Cognition and Culture" by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Aarhus. The project was furthermore designated as a key research area by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Aarhus. This new project developed out of a preliminary project called "Religious Narrative, Cognition and Culture" which was conducted during 2003-2004 under the auspices of the Laboratory.
    Emneord: Religion, cognition, cognitive science of religion, culture
    Navn: Chair

    Body type: Research Project Area
    Period1 Jan 200531 Dec 2008


    • Religion
    • cognition
    • cognitive science of religion
    • culture