Innovationsfonden (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMember of committee, council, board


EU, Joint Programming Initiative: More Years Better Lives

Dear Dr. Prof. Fristrup,
On behalf of the General Assembly of the JPI More Years Better Lives, we would like to welcome and congratulate you as an elected member in the renewed Scientific Advisory Board.
Our Scientific Advisory Board has undergone profound changes to align it with the structure of the JPI’s strategic research agenda. Now we are ready to start the activities towards implementing the SRA. On the 20th of May we are going to have the first meeting of the ‘new’ SAB. On that occasion the members will receive more details about the JPI, the Rules of Internal Order, the tasks and goals for the coming years.
The person responsible for the advisory boards of the JPI is Professor Marja Vaarama, National Institute for Health and Welfare. Our SAB Secretariat, Ms Denice Moi Thuk Shung from ZonMW, will provide you with the necessary information and documents in due time.
Glad to have you on board and I thank you for your willingness to serve on the Scientific Advisory Board.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Paolo Maria Rossini
Contact details:
Professor Marja Vaarama [email protected]
Denice Moi Thuk Shung moithukshung@zonmw

Body type: Scientific Advisory Board
Period15 Apr 2015
Held atInnovationsfonden, Denmark
Degree of RecognitionInternational