Yield and quality assessment of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) compared with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Denmark

Johannes Ravn Jørgensen, Carl Christian Olsen

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning


    The adaptation of 7 T. spelta cultivars to the Danish climate was investigated and compared with a well-adapted winter wheat cultivar in field trials in 1994/95 and 1995/96 at Roskilde and Ronhave. The yield of all T. spelta cultivars was lower than that of the wheat cultivar, while 1000-seed weight, protein and ash content were higher in the T. spelta cultivars than in the wheat cultivar. Remote sensing studies at Roskilde in 1996 showed that in 2 of the T. spelta cultivars biomass production occurred earlier and was higher than in the other T. spelta cultivars and the wheat cultivar. Early harvest for green grain resulted in a decreased 1000-seed weight, and a high seed protein and ash content.
    TitelProceedings of working group meeting Crop development for the Cool and Wet Regions of Europe. Spelt and Quinoa
    RedaktørerR Ortiz, O Stölen
    Antal sider8
    StatusUdgivet - 1997
    BegivenhedWorking group meeting Crop development for the Cool and Wet Regions of Europe. Spelt and Quinoa - Wageningen, Holland
    Varighed: 24 okt. 199725 okt. 1997


    KonferenceWorking group meeting Crop development for the Cool and Wet Regions of Europe. Spelt and Quinoa


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