Projekter pr. år
Pathways towards strengthening collaboration in early childhood education and care
The ambition of this roadmap is to inspire you, as a reader, to strengthen collaboration between assisting and core practitioners in ECEC. The underlying idea is that better collaboration strengthens individual practitioners and teams in addressing all aspects of children’s well-being, development and learning needs.
In order to strengthen collaboration between assisting and core practitioners, this roadmap presents both a framework and ideas to develop pathways for continuous professional development, engaging both assisting and core practitioners, as well as leaders.
The content in the roadmap is inspired by the experiments developed, tested and evaluated in pilot projects in different ECEC settings in four countries (Belgium, Denmark, Portugal and Slovenia). More precisely, the roadmap builds on the following background studies:
The baseline study, which was based on a survey sent to the participants in the pilot projects and built on quantitative data and statistical analyses.
Four country reports, reporting the process and results of the professional development initiatives in each country.
The endline report presenting the overall evaluation and highlighting the findings from the professional development initiatives in the four countries.
Pathways towards strengthening collaboration in early childhood education and care
The ambition of this roadmap is to inspire you, as a reader, to strengthen collaboration between assisting and core practitioners in ECEC. The underlying idea is that better collaboration strengthens individual practitioners and teams in addressing all aspects of children’s well-being, development and learning needs.
In order to strengthen collaboration between assisting and core practitioners, this roadmap presents both a framework and ideas to develop pathways for continuous professional development, engaging both assisting and core practitioners, as well as leaders.
The content in the roadmap is inspired by the experiments developed, tested and evaluated in pilot projects in different ECEC settings in four countries (Belgium, Denmark, Portugal and Slovenia). More precisely, the roadmap builds on the following background studies:
The baseline study, which was based on a survey sent to the participants in the pilot projects and built on quantitative data and statistical analyses.
Four country reports, reporting the process and results of the professional development initiatives in each country.
The endline report presenting the overall evaluation and highlighting the findings from the professional development initiatives in the four countries.
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Udgivelsessted | Ghent |
Forlag | VBJK: Centre for Innovation in the Early Years |
Antal sider | 53 |
Status | Udgivet - 2 nov. 2020 |
- 1 Afsluttet
Value - værdsættelse af diversitet i dagtilbud
Jensen, B. (PI), Marquard, M. (Deltager), Allerup, P. N. (Deltager) & Torre, A. (Deltager)
01/01/2018 → 30/05/2021
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Bæredygtig kompetenceudvikling I dagtilbud
Jensen, B., Walker, R. P. & Marquard, M., 31 dec. 2020, I: Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift. 57, 4, s. 39-58 19 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Supporting the collaboration between ECEC core and assisting practitioners: endline report of the VALUE project in 4 countries (BE, DK, PT, SL).
Jensen, B., Hulpia, H., Režek , M. & Sousa, J., 6 okt. 2020, København: DPU, Aarhus Universitet. 39 s.Bidragets oversatte titel :Om at værdsætte diversitet mellem medarbejdere i dagtilbud: VALUE projektet i 4 lande Afslutningsrapport. Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgangFil -
VALUE i praksis: om at værdsætte diversitet i dagtilbud
Jensen, B. (Producent), 22 feb. 2020Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstform › Billeder, Video- og Lydoptagelser (digital) › Formidling