Transurban interconnectivities: an essay on the interpretation of the revolutions of 1848

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11 Citationer (Scopus)


This essay discusses the interpretation of the revolutionary situations of 1848 in light of recent debates on interconnectivity in history. The concept of transurban interconnectivities is proposed as the most precise concept to capture the nature of interconnectivity in 1848. It is argued that political models circulating on a European scale at the time provided the ‘knowledge resources’ that were appropriated by urban political activists across Europe. These circulating resources were appropriated by political activists as means of political mobilisation in their particular local urban context. It is argued that circulating political communication accounts for similarities with respect to political agenda, organisational form and political repertoire evident in urban settings across Europe. This argument is supported by a series of examples of local organisation
and local appropriations of liberalism, radicalism and nationalism in 1848. In the
concluding paragraph, the limitations of the notion of urban–rural nterconnectivity are discussed in order to clarify the nature of transurban interconnectivity.

1848 revolutions; European history; interconnectivity; transurban; urban political movements; contentious politics; political communication; voluntary
associations; liberalism; radicalism; nationalism
TidsskriftEuropean Review of History
Sider (fra-til)201-227
Antal sider27
StatusUdgivet - 19 apr. 2012


  • 1848
  • Transurban
