Transmedia Performance in Scandinavian Singalong Shows: On the Transmediation of Liveness and Participation in Community Singing

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This chapter examines the affordances of performance for a wide dispersal on different media platforms. It does so in two steps, one theoretical and one empirical. Firstly, the concept of transmedia performance is discussed in order to contribute to its ongoing theoretical development. Secondly, a number of current Scandinavian singalong shows are analyzed as concrete examples of transmedia performance. These shows are increasingly being transmediated to TV, apps, the Internet and so on—a somewhat surprising development, since the genre of community singing is generally understood as relying strongly on physical presence and active participation. The seemingly unproblematic transmediation of such shows therefore provide an ideal case for the examination of the concept of transmedia performance.
TitelPalgrave Studies in Music and Literature : Global Perspectives on Intermedial Relations
RedaktørerThomas Gurke, Susan Winnett
Antal sider21
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-030-85542-0
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-030-85543-7
StatusUdgivet - 2021
NavnPalgrave Studies in Music and Literature


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