Towards a broader conception of entrepreneurial journalism education: starting with everyday practice

Kirsten Sparre, Helle Meibom Færgemann

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


In this article we contribute to the emerging field of entrepreneurial journalism education by showing how we have applied a model from newer entrepreneurship education research at Aarhus University in Denmark to a masters’ level course for journalism students. It is a special feature of the course that students follow it whilst they are doing a full-time internship within the media and communication industry, and the course requires students to use their places of internship as the basis for a process of identifying opportunities devising innovative solutions and if possible presenting and implementing the solution. Drawing on focus group interviews and course assignments we explore how students experienced learning entrepreneurship and innovation whilst being immersed in communities of practice. The places of internship functioned as anchors for the students’ entrepreneurship processes by providing access to a wide range of opportunities for development and a real life arena for testing own entreprenurial skills but students did not necessarily develop a strong entrepreneurial identity. Instead they felt that the course made them look at their places of internship in a more critical way and provided them with skills for innovation and entrepreneurship that would be useful in the future.
TitelEntrepreneurial journalism
RedaktørerKevin Rafter
Antal sider20
Publikationsdatosep. 2017
ISBN (Trykt)1138070297, 978-1138070295
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2017
NavnJournalism Studies - theory and practice
