
Background: Pilonidal disease (PD) is a condition commonly encountered in clinical settings.
Studies indicate a surge in occurrence over the past decades. However, current knowledge is based
on small studies with few patients, selected age groups, or primarily men. The aim of the present
study is to assess time trends in incidence and age distribution in a nationwide Danish setting.
Method: Using nationwide data from the Danish National Patient Registry and the Civil
Registration System (1996-2019), we identified a cohort of 41,031 patients recorded with
diagnostic or surgical procedure codes representing PD. We computed the incidence rate, incidence
rate ratio (IRR) and, median age in 5-year intervals.
Results: The overall incidence of PD has increased from 27.3 (95% CI: 26.7-27.9) /100,000 PY in
1996-2000 to 39.8 (95%CI: 38.9-40.7) /100,000 PY in 2015-2019. For men, the incidence has
increased from 38.2(95%CI: 37.1 – 39.2) to 57.1 (95%CI: 55.5 – 58.7) /100,000 PY and for
women the incidence has increased from 16.7(95% CI: 16.0 – 17.4) to 22.6 (95% CI: 21.6 – 23.7)
/100,000 PY. Comparing men to women, the IRR increased from 2.3(95%CI: 2.2 – 2.4) in 1996-
2000 to 2.5(95%CI: 2.4 – 2.7) in 2015-2019. The median age at first contact has decreased at the
same time-period from 27 to 25 years in men and from 25 to 23 years in women.
Conclusion: Since 1996, the PD incidence has increased significantly, notably affecting males the
most and widening the gender gap. Simultaneously, median age at first contact has decreased. The
increased burden of disease and surgery is not reflected within the literature and more studies are
warranted to further develop our understanding of this condition.
StatusUdgivet - 2024


  • Pilonidal disease
  • pilonidal
  • pilonidal sygdom
  • epidemiologi
  • proktologi
