Theory and practice in the workshop: using the gap

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The aim of this study was to investigate epistemological beliefs and programme coherence in nursing, social work and general teacher-training programmes. An abstract theoretical knowledge base is a key characteristic of these professions. However, it is has been reported that professional education and professional practice are out of step. Data used in this study are drawn from surveys among students, college teachers and placement supervisors. The results from this study do not corroborate the notion of clashing epistemological beliefs between the educational field and the field of practice. The results, however, indicate that the way theories are taught may influence the students' views of the importance of theoretical knowledge for professional practice. Programme coherence and study efforts also have an impact on students' perceptions of theoretical knowledge. The general teacher-training programme, more than the other programmes, faces challenges linking theory to practice. The nursing programme also encounters some difficulties in relating nursing-specific theory to practice in classroom teaching.

TidsskriftNordic Psychology
Sider (fra-til)117-135
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 2 jun. 2015


  • Theory and practice
  • Material Culture
  • Materiel kultur


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