The use of market information in food product development. A comparative study between the food industry in Denmark and in New Zealand

Bidragets oversatte titel: The use of market information in food product development. A comparative study between the food industry in Denmark and in New Zealand

Hans Jørn Juhl, Kai Kristensen, Peder Østergaard

Publikation: Working paper/Preprint Working paperForskning

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Executive summary 1. The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the influence of different competitive conditions on market orientation in the new product predevelopment activities that food companies carry out. If differences in market orientation were found, differences in business performance would also be expected because a positive relationship has been found between these two concepts in several other studies. 2. The New Zealand and Danish food industries were chosen as representatives of industries operating under very different competitive conditions but at the same time with quite equivalent conditions in many other respects. 3. The findings from this sample indicate that New Zealand food companies are indeed more successful than Danish food companies when it comes to launching new products, but we did not find that this difference is due to varying degree of market orientation. We found no significant differences between the food companies in the two count regards actual use of market information. 4. Concentrating on the successful companies in the two countries we found a significant difference in the perception of market research as a fostering factor in product development. The successful New Zealand companies found this factor to be much more fostering than the Danish successful companies. This last result may reflect that New Zealand companies are forced to be more market oriented. 5. A managerial implication relates to the observed difference in the perception of values of market research between Danish and New Zealand companies. It points to the higher degree of competition in the markets where New Zealand companies operate. This may indicate that New Zealand companies are better prepare international competition than Danish companies.
Bidragets oversatte titelThe use of market information in food product development. A comparative study between the food industry in Denmark and in New Zealand
StatusUdgivet - 1998


  • HHÅ forskning
  • MAPP
