Terahertz Fresnel-zone-plate thin-film lens based on a high-transmittance double-layer metamaterial phase shifter

Zhengli Han, Yuma Takida, Seigo Ohno, Hiroaki Minamide

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6 Citationer (Scopus)


Planar diffractive lenses, with metamaterial artificial structures and subwavelength thickness, provide unique and flexible platforms for optical design in the terahertz (THz) regime. Here, we present a metamaterial-based Rayleigh-Wood Fresnel-zone-plate (FZP) thin-film lens designed to focus a monochromatic THz beam at 1.0 THz with a high transmittance of 80%, short focal length of 24 mm, and subwavelength thickness of 48 µm. Specifically, the FZP lens is composed of 8 alternating concentric zones through a polymer film substrate, where odd zones are patterned with double-layer un-split ring resonators (USRRs) that provide a polarization-independent phase shift of π/2 compared to un-patterned even zones. Both simulation and experiment confirm that our FZP lens creates a focused beam at the designed frequency of 1.0 THz by constructive interference through alternating concentric metamaterial-patterned and un-patterned zones, producing a diffraction-limited resolution of 0.6 mm for imaging applications. In contrast to conventional approaches in which the uniform periodic array of metamaterial unit cells has been treated as an effective material, we newly find that double-layer USRRs can work as an independent meta-atom without degradation of its performances, which benefits the behavior of small arrays of double-layer USRRs located in the outer zones of the FZP lens. Such a planar thin-film lens would enable us to realize compact and lightweight THz systems.

TidsskriftOptics Express
Sider (fra-til)18730-18742
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 23 maj 2022
Udgivet eksterntJa


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