Supporting the collaboration between ECEC core and assisting practitioners: endline report of the VALUE project in 4 countries (BE, DK, PT, SL).

Bidragets oversatte titel: Om at værdsætte diversitet mellem medarbejdere i dagtilbud: VALUE projektet i 4 lande Afslutningsrapport.

Bente Jensen, Hester Hulpia, Mateja Režek , Joana Sousa

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review

31 Downloads (Pure)


In Endline report of the VALUE project the following questions are examined: How can continuous professional development (CPD) strengthen professional identity, holistic approaches to educational work (educare) and cooperation between core and assisting practitioners working within the field of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)? This question is explored through pilot projects conducted by research groups located in each of four different countries - Belgium, Denmark, Slovenia and Portugal - within the Erasmus+ project VALUE diversity in care and education (VALUE).
Bidragets oversatte titelOm at værdsætte diversitet mellem medarbejdere i dagtilbud: VALUE projektet i 4 lande Afslutningsrapport.
ForlagDPU, Aarhus Universitet
Antal sider39
StatusUdgivet - 6 okt. 2020


  • dagtilbud
  • professionel identitet
  • samarbejde
  • læringslaboratorier
  • educare
  • kompetenceudviklng
  • Følgegruppemøde VALUE

    Jensen, B. (Arrangør) & Marquard, M. (Arrangør)

    23 nov. 2020

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i eller organisering af konference

