Studying Practices and Processes to Explore Cross-Boundary Collaboration

Renate Kratochvil, Susan Hilbolling, Ekatarina Mavrina, Davide Nicolini, Charlotte Cloutier, Paul R. Carlile, Philipp Tuertscher , Anne-Laure Fayard, Ingrid Erickson

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avisKonferenceartikelForskningpeer review


Cross-boundary collaborations are necessary conditions when engaging with open science, innovation, and strategy to also tackle complex societal problems. While cross-boundary collaborations bring together a richness of benefits, they are also challenging due to heterogeneous and sometimes conflicting practices, backgrounds, or (temporal) structures, among others. To complicate matters, actors often cross multiple boundaries (e.g., community, cultural, disciplinary, gender, geographical, institutional, industry, knowledge, and organizational), and new boundaries may surface and disappear as collaborations evolve over time. Cross-boundary collaborations, with new forms and types emerging, challenge managers, employees, and workers. In this symposium, we set out to ask panelists about why and how a practice and process lens help to investigate challenges and opportunities related to “conventional” and new forms of cross-boundary collaboration.
TidsskriftAcademy of Management Proceedings
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2023


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