Semantically enhanced 3D: A web-based platform for spatial integration of excavation documentation at Alken Enge, Denmark

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The photorealistic and geometrically accurate 3-dimensional representation of excavations, provided by image-based modeling, has the potential to transform the process of excavation documentation, making it easier to share observations with other researchers. Paradoxically, however, spatial representation lacks the ability to convey archaeological interpretations. By example of excavations in Alken Enge, Denmark, this paper explores how a web-based 3D platform is able to facilitate the collaborative exchange of 3D excavation content and how the integration of spatial and attribute data into one common event-based data model may be advantageous. This includes enhancing the semantic value of field-recorded 3D models by segmenting the geometry using various techniques, such as 3D projections and machine learning. Accordingly, the paper demonstrates a framework for interactive 3D models, which includes attributed classification based on segmented 3D content correlated with traditional raster, vector, and textual data, delivering a spatially integrated platform for collaborative research.

TidsskriftJournal of Field Archaeology
Nummersup 1
Sider (fra-til)S31-S44
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 31 okt. 2018
