Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Family Accommodation in Pediatric Obsessive– Compulsive Disorder

Gudmundur Skarphedinsson, Nor Christian Torp, Bernhard Weidle, Sanne Jensen, Tord Ivarsson, Katja Anna Hybel, Judith Becker Nissen, Per Hove Thomsen, David R.M.A. Højgaard

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects 1-3% of children and adolescents and can profoundly impact their daily functioning. Family accommodation (FA) is defined as actions taken by parents or other family members to accommodate OCD symptoms by temporarily alleviating distress or impairment. However, in the long run, FA can contribute to the maintenance of OCD symptoms by interfering with corrective learning and habituation.
The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of FA and investigate the factors influencing FA in a large sample of Scandinavian children and adolescents (N-238). FA was assessed using the Family Accommodation Scale (FAS), a 12-item clinician-rated interview. Several other assessments were used to assess OCD severity, OCD-related functional impairment, as well as internalizing and externalizing symptoms.
Results showed that approximately 70% of primary caregivers reported daily accommodation, while 98% reported it occurring at least once a week. Multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that age, OCD severity, OCD-related functional impairment, as well as higher internalizing and externalizing symptoms, were specifically associated with the FAS total score. The model accounted for 30.6% of the variance of the total FAS score (F(6, 162) = 23,125.763, p < 0.001)). FAS scores were positively correlated with contamination/cleaning symptoms (r=0.21, p < 0.001), but not with the harm/sexual symptoms (r=−0.07, p=0.152) or symmetry/hoarding symptoms (r=0.05, p=0.280). A path analysis revealed that FA partially mediated the relationship of OCD severity and externalizing symptoms with functional impairment, and fully mediated the relationship between age and functional impairment.
The results highlight the role of FA in the progression of OCD and related symptoms. It is recommended to emphasize the need for evaluating FA before initiating OCD treatment and addressing it as necessary during treatment.
Publikationsdato21 nov. 2023
StatusUdgivet - 21 nov. 2023
BegivenhedPsykiatriens Forskningsdag 2023: AUH Psykiatrien - Aarhus Universitetshospital, Aarhus, Danmark
Varighed: 21 nov. 202321 nov. 2023


KonferencePsykiatriens Forskningsdag 2023
LokationAarhus Universitetshospital


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