Preservation of the Pt(100) surface reconstruction after growth of a continuous layer of graphene

Louis Nilsson, Mie Andersen, Jacob Bjerre, Richard Balog, Bjørk Hammer, Liv Hornekær, Ivan Stensgaard

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23 Citationer (Scopus)


Scanning tunneling microscopy shows that a layer of graphene can be grown on the hex-reconstructed Pt(100) surface and that the reconstruction is preserved after growth. A continuous sheet of graphene can be grown across domain boundaries and step edges without loss of periodicity or change in direction. Density functional theory calculations on a simple model system support the observation that the graphene can have different rotation angles relative to the hex-reconstructed Pt surface. The graphene sheet direction can be changed by incorporating pentagon-heptagon defects giving rise to accommodation of edge dislocations. The defect formation energy and the induced buckling of the graphene have been characterized by DFT calculations.
TidsskriftSurface Science
Sider (fra-til)464–469
StatusUdgivet - 2012
