Predicados complejos vs. formas léxicas independientes: Diferencias tipológicas entre el danés y el español

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In this paper it is demonstrated how Danish and Spanish, as representative examples of the Germanic and Romance languages, respectively, differ from each other in terms of their realization of phrasal verbs, so-called complex predicates. In Danish, complex predicates are formed on the basis of pseudo-incorporation, a process characterized by prosodic, topological and morphological features that suggest a close relationship between the components of the complex predicate. In Spanish, this highly productive possibility of forming complex predicates is generally not available, and, therefore, the same semantic content is usually expressed through simple lexical units associated with a specific meaning. Based on these considerations, it is suggested that one of the key points to understanding the lack of correspondence between the Germanic and the Romance language in terms of structuring and codifying lexical and syntactic information lies in their different capacities for constructing complex predicates through pseudo-incorporation.
Key words: argument structure, complex predicates, phrasal verbs, prosody, pseudo-incorporation, telicity
TitelNouvelles tendances de la romanistique scandinave / Nuevas tendencias de la romanística escandinava / Nuove tendenze della romanistica scandinava / Novas tendências da romanística escandinava
RedaktørerMerete Birkelund, Susana Fernández
Antal sider15
Publikationsdato24 maj 2024
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-7507-557-7
StatusUdgivet - 24 maj 2024
