Poisson Autoregression

Konstantinos Fokianos, Anders Rahbæk, Dag Tjøstheim

    Publikation: Working paper/Preprint Working paperForskning

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    This paper considers geometric ergodicity and likelihood based inference for linear and nonlinear Poisson autoregressions.
    In the linear case the conditional mean is linked linearly to its past values as well as the observed
    values of the Poisson process. This also applies to the conditional variance, making an interpretation as an integer
    valued GARCH process possible. In a nonlinear conditional Poisson model, the conditional mean is a nonlinear
    function of its past values and a nonlinear function of past observations. As a particular example an exponential
    autoregressive Poisson model for time series is considered. Under geometric ergodicity the maximum likelihood
    estimators of the parameters are shown to be asymptotically Gaussian in the linear model. In addition we provide
    a consistent estimator of their asymptotic covariance matrix. Our approach to verifying geometric ergodicity proceeds
    via Markov theory and irreducibility. Finding transparent conditions for proving ergodicity turns out to be
    a delicate problem in the original model formulation. This problem is circumvented by allowing a perturbation
    of the model. We show that as the perturbations can be chosen to be arbitrarily small, the differences between
    the perturbed and non-perturbed versions vanish as far as the asymptotic distribution of the parameter estimates
    is concerned.
    UdgiverInstitut for Økonomi, Århus Universitet
    Antal sider34
    StatusUdgivet - 2009


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