Photolysis of water-radical ions H2O+ in the xuv: Fragmentation through dicationic states

H.B. Pedersen, C. Domesle, L. Lammich, S. Dziarzhytski, N. Guerassimova, R. Treusch, L.S. Harbo, O. Heber, B. Jordon-Thaden, T. Arion, M. Förstel, M. Stier, U. Hergenhahn, A. Wolf

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The photofragmentation of the water cation HO through dicationic states has been studied at 35.0±0.2 nm (35.4±0.3 eV) and 21.8±0.2 nm (56.8±0.5 eV) with a crossed ion-photon beams experiment at the free electron laser FLASH. The dissociation of the dications is found to be similar at the two wavelengths and to proceed into O0+2H, OH+H, and O+H , with determined ratios σ OH+H /σ O+H=4.2±0.3 and σ OH+H/σO0+2H>0.7. The measured kinetic-energy releases for these processes are consistent with three-body breakup (O+2H) occurring mainly through the 2A'' and 2A'' states of HO and two-body breakup (OH+H) occurring through X A'', 1A', and 1A'' states of H O, as predicted in a recent theoretical study. In addition to the kinetic-energy releases, we also report on fragment correlation in the three-body channel where the two protons carry the major part of the released momentum.
TidsskriftPhysical Review A
Sider (fra-til)013402-1-013401-10
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2 jan. 2013


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