Opportunities and Barriers for Analog, Digital, and Hybrid Creativity Support Tools

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This position paper explores the significant ontological shift from analog to digital tools to support human creativity. Based on our research lab’s extensive experience with studying and designing creativity support tools, we build on creativity research and human-computer interaction (HCI) research to examine two dissimilar cases of creative design ideation ap- proaches. First, we discuss Inspiration Card Workshops as an example of a clearly-structured design ideation method, then sticky notes and white- boards as an example of a more open-ended design ideation setup. Over a fifteen-year period, we have conducted in-situ studies and developed pro- totypes for each of these design ideation approaches based on different tool ontologies. This enables us to contribute an overview of the most im- portant opportunities and barriers we have experienced and identified when deploying analog, digital, or hybrid tools to support creative design ideation among professional designers.
TitelProceedings of the 30th Anniversary Heron Island Conference on Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design
RedaktørerJohn Gero, Mary Lou Maher
Antal sider25
UdgivelsesstedSydney, Australia
ForlagKey Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney, Australia
Publikationsdatodec. 2019
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2019
NavnThe Heron Island Conference Series on Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design


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