OECD migration, welfare and skill selectivity

Bidragets oversatte titel: OECD migration, welfare and skill selectivity

Peder Pedersen, Mariola Pytlikova, Nina Smith

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    Recent migration patterns show growing migration pressure and changing composition of
    immigrants in many Western countries. According to theory, the impact of immigration depends
    on the skill distribution of immigrants compared to the natives. During the latest decade, an
    increasing proportion of the immigrants have been from poor countries, where the educational
    level of the population is low. The comprehensive income support schemes, social safety net and
    a high tax pressure, may play a role in changing the composition of migration flows. This paper
    presents empirical evidence on immigration flows into 27 OECD countries over the period of 12
    years, 1989-2000. Using a fixed effects panel data model, we analyze the determinants of the
    migration flows during the latest decade. We study whether there are significant selectivity
    effects in international migration flows, i.e. whether the countries with generous welfare schemes
    and high tax pressures tend to attract the low-skilled migrants. We look as well at the role of
    migration networks and non-economics factors such as cultural and linguistic distance or threat
    to own freedom and safety.
    Bidragets oversatte titelOECD migration, welfare and skill selectivity
    Antal sider45
    StatusUdgivet - 2003
    BegivenhedEALE (European Association of Labour Economists) - Sevilla, Spanien
    Varighed: 18 sep. 200321 sep. 2003


    KonferenceEALE (European Association of Labour Economists)
