Nutritional care: A complex nurse-led intervention to prevent and reduce overweight and obesity in adults following their first-time stroke

Mette Nørtoft*, Lene Odgaard, Dorthe Sørensen, Stephanie Bonn, Lena Aadal

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterFormidling


Nutritional nursing care, as a preventive measure in relation to overweight, is fundamental in neurorehabilitation after stroke. Despite nutritional recommendations there is a lack of focus on nutrition in primary health sector, especially when it comes to secondary prevention related to overweight after stroke. A scarcity of literature regard interprofessional initiatives targeted prevention of weight gain in the subacute rehabilitation of stroke. There is an urgent need for secondary prevention in the setting of stroke rehabilitation in the pathway from in-hospital neurorehabilitation followed by interventions conducted by municipalities after discharge, to own home.

To develop and evaluate the feasibility of a cross-sectoral nurse-led evidence-based intervention in order to prevent and reduce overweight following stroke in a setting close to citizens´ everyday life.

The PhD project consists of four interrelated studies in line with the framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions and the Fundamentals of Care framework. Study I-III constitute the backbone for developing the intervention, study IV tests the feasibility of the intervention.

Study I: A scoping review
Aim: To map existing knowledge related to nutritional interventions in order to prevent and reduce overweight during the rehabilitation course after stroke.

Study II: A retrospective population-based study
Aim: To identify the prevalence of overweight as well as risk factors in individuals with first-time stroke admitted to hospitals in Central Denmark Region.

Study III: A prospective cohort study
Aim: To identify patient-reported weight changes in individuals with moderate to severe stroke during the one-year period from admission at in-hospital neurorehabilitation.

Study IV: A Feasibility-study
Aim: To evaluate the feasibility of a nurse-led intervention addressing overweight during the cross-sectoral rehabilitation trajectory after stroke.

The presentation will be based on preliminary findings from study I and III. Both studies were initiated in November 2023 and will be analyzed in 2024.
Publikationsdato6 jun. 2024
StatusUdgivet - 6 jun. 2024
BegivenhedILC 2024 Annual International Conference: Fundamentals of care - Empowering Care Excellence - Saïd Business School, Oxford, UK, Oxford, Storbritannien
Varighed: 7 jun. 20248 jun. 2024


KonferenceILC 2024 Annual International Conference: Fundamentals of care - Empowering Care Excellence
LokationSaïd Business School, Oxford, UK
