Null Objects under Coordination in Yiddish and Scandinavian

Sten Vikner, Lars-Olof Delsing (Redaktør), Cecilia Falk (Redaktør), Gunlög Josefsson (Redaktør), Halldór Ármann Sigurdsson (Redaktør)

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    I will compare a particular phenomenon in Yiddish, namely missing objects in certain coordination structures, with what might seem to be a related phenomenon in Scandinavian. In a certain sense, my result will be negative, in that I shall conclude that the two phenomena are less related than might appear at first glance. I shall however try to show that this might provide support for what I take to be a more basic difference between Yiddish on one hand and the Scandinavian languages on the other, namely that Yiddish is an OV-language like German and Dutch, not a VO-language like English or the Scandinavian languages.

    TitelGrammar in Focus : Festschrift for Christer Platzack, vol. II
    Antal sider11
    ForlagDept. of Scandinavian Languages, University of Lund
    StatusUdgivet - 2003
