Nuclear magnetic resonance-based determination of dioxygen binding sites in protein cavities

Ryo Kitahara, Shun Sakuraba, Tomoshi Kameda, Sanshiro Okuda, Mengjun Xue, Frans A A Mulder

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2 Citationer (Scopus)


The location and ligand accessibility of internal cavities in cysteine-free wild-type T4 lysozyme was investigated using O 2 gas-pressure NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Upon increasing the concentration of dissolved O 2 in solvent to 8.9 mM, O 2-induced paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) to the backbone amide and side chain methyl protons were observed, specifically around two cavities in the C-terminal domain. To determine the number of O 2 binding sites and their atomic coordinates from the 1/r 6 distance dependence of the PREs, we established an analytical procedure using Akaike's Information Criterion, in combination with a grid-search. Two O 2-accessible sites were identified in internal cavities: One site was consistent with the xenon-binding site in the protein in crystal, and the other site was established to be a novel ligand-binding site. MD simulations performed at 10 and 100 mM O 2 revealed dioxygen ingress and egress as well as rotational and translational motions of O 2 in the cavities. It is therefore suggested that conformational fluctuations within the ground-state ensemble transiently develop channels for O 2 association with the internal protein cavities.

TidsskriftProtein Science
Sider (fra-til)769-779
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 1 mar. 2018


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