MoRM and Future Memories: Collaboratively investigating a contrapuntal museum as a participatory research approach

Mads Middelboe Rehder, Kasper Ostrowski

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


As part of a research project entitled ‘Creating Future
Memories’ at Aarhus University a group of
individuals blurring the boundaries between art,
academics, and activism got together and
participated in Counterplay 2016 at DOK1. Without
any prior knowledge of the group-composition or
possible aims for the experimental workshop we
lunged into a process of devising both an interactive
exhibition and an installation which explored the ‘big
data’ citizens regularly produce in their everyday lives and how this data might be archived, packaged, and recycled - or even forgotten, primarily within social media. We wanted to explore what our daily routines connected to social media and sorting our data meant for the way we shape our memories, and therefore the traces of future memories.
In this chapter we follow the trajectory of the exhibition entitled ‘MoRM’ (Museum of Random Memories).
TitelThe power of play : Voices from the Play Community
RedaktørerMathias Poulsen
Antal sider9
Udgave1. edition
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-999752-0-4
StatusUdgivet - 2017
BegivenhedCounterPlay 16': A Festival of Playfulness - Dokk1, Aarhus, Danmark
Varighed: 14 apr. 201616 apr. 2016
Konferencens nummer: 3


KonferenceCounterPlay 16'


  • Museum
  • Future memories
  • Participatory action research
  • MoRM: Museum of Random Memory: A Critical Literacy Outreach

    Markham, A. (PI), Rehder, M. M. (Samarbejdspartner), Pereira, G. (Samarbejdspartner), Benfield, D. M. (Samarbejdspartner), Bratton, C. (Samarbejdspartner), Harju, A. (Samarbejdspartner), Ochshorn, R. (Samarbejdspartner) & O'Connor, M. (Samarbejdspartner)

    Projekter: ProjektForskning

  • FMRC: Future Making Research Consortium

    Markham, A. (Projektkoordinator)


    Projekter: ProjektForskning

  • CounterPlay 16'

    Ostrowski, K. (Deltager)

    14 apr. 201616 apr. 2016

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i eller organisering af konference

  • CounterPlay 16'

    Rehder, M. M. (Deltager) & Markham, A. (Arrangør)

    13 apr. 201616 apr. 2016

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i eller organisering af workshop, seminar eller kursus
