Modelling dynamic pesticide amounts in multiple environmental compartments at landscape scales in ALMaSS

Trine Poulsen*, Xiaodong Duan, Christopher John Topping

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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A dynamic model of the pesticide amount at a landscape scale (10 km x 10 km with the finest spatial resolution of 1 m2) is implemented in the ALMaSS (Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System) framework. The spatial resolution can be configured, allowing the user to control how detailed the simulation should be according to the specific needs. Three application types, spray, seed coating treatment and granular, can be applied through the pesticide engine according to the management plan of crops in ALMaSS. A drift model is implemented for the spray application to include the effect on adjacent unsprayed areas. After applying a pesticide, the pesticide module controls transfer amongst different environmental compartments and follows the fate of up to ten different pesticides simultaneously. It enables ALMaSS to be used for complex risk assessment through impact studies of pesticides on many species, including pollinators.
TidsskriftFood and Ecological Systems Modelling Journal
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2023


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