Meta Standard Requirements for Harmonizing Dataspace Integration at the Edge

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Emerging technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), hyper-connected societies, and cyber-physical systems in Industry 5.0 (I5.0) have increased data volume substantially. Conventionally, the data process and analysis are carried out within the boundaries of organizations that can be perceived as edges closer to the data sources, resulting in the generated values stuck within the boundaries of organizations. However, this data can enable a cross-organizational data pool, based on which lots of semantics context-driven services can be developed and monetized to harness the collective power of data. This is precisely what a Dataspace (DS) leveraging distributed edge-coordinated ecosystem can offer to build a value chain on shared services and reusable data across organizations, domains, systems and devices. However, various challenges need to be addressed to achieve the same, such as lack of participatory motivation, heterogeneity due to the integration interfaces at different levels of data management operations and diverse standards available to perform the same target operation. Therefore, this study proposes a model for motivating entities to open up for data integration and build a services-driven cross-boundary value-chain system through a coordinated edge-driven DS ecosystem. In addition, it introduces the modified data life cycle, emphasising the integration phase and the integration harmonization ecosystem focusing on standards-driven heterogeneity harmonization, which demands Meta-Standard development and related guidelines.

Titel2023 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)
Antal sider6
Publikationsdatomar. 2024
ISBN (Trykt)979-8-3503-9539-6
ISBN (Elektronisk)979-8-3503-9538-9
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2024
Begivenhed2023 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, CSCN 2023 - Munich, Tyskland
Varighed: 6 nov. 20238 nov. 2023


Konference2023 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, CSCN 2023
NavnIEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)


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