Mapping post-industrial areas through entanglements of time and space

Lars Emmerik Damgaard Knudsen, Jamie Wallace, Mads Sabroe (Illustrator)

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


In the industrial and post-industrial areas of the old harbour in central Naestved, Denmark, smaller industries and re-creative and artistic organizations contribute to the transformation of a once heavy polluted city. The abandoned and re-inhabited buildings and areas allows for a look back in time as well as view towards future city planning. In this chapter, we analyze the issues and tension of this development by mapping central time and space relations of past ideals, present activities and future plans including the aesthetics of the harbor’s terrain vague. This is carried out through walking research conducted via juxtaposing archive photos, visual arts, observations and GPS tracking of the observer. This combination of methods gives both depths and widths to the analysis as we are able to contextualize the phenomenological experiences of walking with structural and historical aspects of archive photos and tracking. Inspired by Hans Rämö (1999), who draws upon ancient Greek notions of lived and abstract forms of time and space, Talja Bloklands (2017) theory of urban community and of Edward S. Casey’s (2009) phenomenology of place, we analyze the issues and tension of the harbors transformation and illustrate how walking as a research method can be carried out.
TitelWalking Matters : Material and Digital A/r/tographic Explorations
RedaktørerRita Irwin, Nicole Lee, Joanne Ursino, Marzieh Mosavarzadeh
ISBN (Trykt)2364-8376
ISBN (Elektronisk)2364-8384
StatusUdgivet - 2024
NavnArts-Based Educational Research
Vol/bindISSN: 2364-8376


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